Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's a twisted world we live in.

I keep my distance away from people not because I think I'm better but because I'm wise enough to know when my heart has had enough. The scariest feeling is loving someone and still having to live with the fear that, your special someone whom you value so much has not placed as much emotional investments as you have. I've built so many valuable relationships over the years with previous partners , family members, friends and classmates . I've learned to keep my circles small to avoid unnecessary drama and complications but even in these small circles there's only 1 person whom I know will always and has always had my back. Sad reality if it all is that I'd take a bullet for a hand full of them and only one person would do the same for me. I don't speak on it all but I notice , these menal notes I keep have never been wrong, I'm not naive . Life and it's stupid tricks and stupid people how play along to the rules of these stupid games! People who act as though they care but you can see their game plan beneath their skin. People who pull you off the shelf only to use you and put you back onto the shelf when they are done with you. It's all such a twisted game. How someone whispers sweet nothing's into your ear yet turns around and does the complete opposite of what they had promised! They may use you for several reasons. Some may include sexual favors, money and you're material possessions ,a shoulder to cry on in times of need, use you to help them hurt others or to just simply destroy your life. The list is endless! But where are they when you need them? Where are they when you need a helping hand? Gone with the wind, hidden under the carpet! Nowhere to be found! But they are so quick to return when they need a favor . You cannot afford to continue living a life with people who hide themselves under masks of betrayal and lies! Don't be so naive to turn a blind eye on the truth that is happening around you! People continue to take and take over and over again and give you nothing in return. How could such relationships be healthy? Learn to walks way from relationships that no longer build you as person, get rid of all the clutter that is holding you back from being the greatest version of yourself. Life is too short to spend time with people who use you and suck the happiness out of you! Let go ,let God and continue to live your best life.

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