Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Soil.

I promise I didn't like you guys at first, wanted nothing to do with your music"another group consisting of two guys and a girl ,trying too hard to be soulful" little did I know.Then I saw you guys on jam sandwich last week[I can't explain what happened that night but I think we fell in love] and my heart feels cheated on!

All of a sudden my ears and soul have developed a love affair with your warm spirits and pure melodies [an over night affair, a one night stand that seems to be lasting longer than I expected it to].
Your lyrics are filled with such depth yet all your songs are healing,soothing and so pure,I swear you're so good you make it seem so easy.

I hope your music lives forever.I pray my children live to adore such music,a pot full of soul with a teaspoon of jazz, a cupful of ghetto and an urban breeze! So refreshing!

You are blessed beyond measure! I'm sure our heavenly father is listening to your music through his earphone and the angels are dancing along to your beats!

Stay blessed,true to good music to yourselves ,your supporters and the Great1 above.Stay humble, pure and soulful!

Your New.Lover

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